We use the combination of lived experience as Autistics as well as peer reviewed research to provide you with a robust learning experience.

Reframing Autism's Values

There are some key ideologies upon which all of Reframing Autism’s work is based, and which will run throughout all courses. These include: 

  1. Always presume competence. 
  2. All human beings, regardless of intersectionality, or support or communication needs, deserve acceptance, authenticity, and autonomy. 
  3. Just as Dr Ross Greene says, “kids do well when they can”, so too all Autistic individuals do well when they can. 
  4. Inclusion is a human right and comes when you belong and are welcomed as your authentic, intact Autistic self. 
  5. All Autistic individuals, regardless of intersectionality, or support or communication needs, are full and whole humans as they are, with the right to demand equity and to have their dignity respected. 
  6. Autism is not a disorder and Autistic people are not “less than”. 

Reframing Autism’s core values include to respect, accept, embrace and empower through gentle influence. Reframing Autism has a commitment to respecting diversity across intersectional and marginalised minorities and to providing as much of a safe space as possible for everyone.