Reframing Autism invites parents and caregivers to join Dr Melanie Heyworth for an introductory workshop on parenting Autistic children. In this online workshop, we redefine Autism from an Autistic perspective, examine the ways in which neurodiversity can help you to reframe your thinking about Autism, and discuss how this new understanding can support you to parent with patience, empathy, and respect, for the wellbeing of your Autistic child, and yourself as a parent.

Overview of content
  • Autistic definition of Autism
  • Overview of respectful language
  • Introduction to the Autistic brain
  • Understanding your Autistic child, and practical steps to support Autistic children
  • Self and co-regulation
  • Radical acceptance and authenticity
  • Communication and creating a strong connection with your child 
  • Opportunities to reflect on the implications to your parenting practice

You will also receive
  • A PDF including further reading and resources


On-demand webinar, so you can learn at a time that works best for you.


2.5 hours

Please note:

If your child has an NDIS plan that includes a budget line for parent education, and you are plan- or self-managed, you can claim your registration costs for Reframing Autism events from your child’s NDIS funding.


Amounts are in Australian Dollars (AUD).